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Koolgrid with an event handler class. Basic CRUD Ops included in the class

Anthony Amolochitis
Assuming you have the same table mydata that comes with the koolphp install.
        // create the class 
        class MyGridEventHandler extends GridEventHandler
                ///////////////// INSERT METHODS /////////////////
                function OnBeforeConfirmInsert($tableview,$args)
			//$tableview: The grid tableview object.
			//$args["NewDataItem"]: New dataitem
			return true;//Approve the action.  If false, then the form will stay open.  Great for validation routines
		function OnConfirmInsert($tableview,$args)
			// $tableview: The grid tableview object.
			// $args["NewDataItem"]: New dataitem posted back 
			// $args["Successful"]: Bool value which indicates whether the insert is successful.
                ///////////////// EDIT METHODS /////////////////
                function OnBeforeRowConfirmEdit($row,$args)
			// $row: The grid row object.
                        // $row->GetTableView() Can return the table view for validation routines if needed.  Great for small tables and checking for data already existing.
                        // View :
                        // View :
			// $args["NewDataItem"]: New dataitem.
			return true;//Approve the action.   If false, then the form will stay open.  Great for validation routines
                function OnRowConfirmEdit($row,$args)
			//$row: The grid row object.
			//$args["NewDataItem"]: New dataitem
			//$args["Successful"]: Bool value which indicates whether the edit is successful.
                ///////////////// DELETE METHODS /////////////////
                function OnBeforeRowDelete($row,$args)
			//$row: The grid row object.
			//$args: No data
			return true;//Approve the action.
                function OnRowDelete($row,$args)
			//$row: The grid row object.
			//$args["Successful"]: bool value indicating whether row is deleted sucessfully.
	//Step 1: Register KoolGrid component to your page
	require "KoolControls/KoolGrid/koolgrid.php";
	require "KoolControls/KoolAjax/koolajax.php";
	$koolajax->scriptFolder = "KoolControls/KoolAjax";
	//Step 2: Create datasource
	$db_con = mysql_connect('localhost','root','root');
	$ds = new MySQLDataSource($db_con);
	$ds->SelectCommand = "select customerNumber,customerName,phone,city from customers";
	//Step 3: Init KoolGrid and settings
	$grid = new KoolGrid("grid");
	$grid->scriptFolder = "KoolControls/KoolGrid";
	$grid->DataSource = $ds;
	$grid->AjaxEnabled = true;
	$grid->Width = "655px";
	$grid->AllowInserting = true;
	$grid->AllowSorting = true;
	$grid->AutoGenerateColumns = true;
	$grid->MasterTable->Pager = new GridPrevNextAndNumericPager();
        // add the event handler
        $grid->EventHandler = new MyGridEventHandler();
	//Step 4: Process Grid
        <?php echo $koolajax->Render();?>
        <form id="form1" method="post">
            <!-- Step 5: Get KoolGrid render -->
            <?php echo $grid->Render();?>
Posted Dec 3, 2015 , edited Dec 3, 2015 Kool -