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Possible templates for Field's property "FormatString"

All examples show "{n}" as the only template for the field's "FormatString" property. Are there any others? How do I make right aligned numbers? I tried to use this pattern:
$field->FormatString = "<span style='text-align:right;display:block;'>{n}</span>";

It does the job; all values are right-aligned, except zero'es or NULL values that appear as left-aligned dash "-" in the grid. Is there a better way to provide right aligned values?
Posted Oct 2, 2015 Kool
Hi Martin,
You can use the
  $col = new GridBoundColumn;

.. and this css class will apply to the cell of that column.
Posted Oct 3, 2015 Kool -
Hi Peter,
I'm talking about Pivot table (KoolPivotTable class) where columns are added by this:

where field is an instance of PivotField class or descendants. Are we talking about the same? If yes, can you give me a full example of how creation the field?
Thank you.
Posted Oct 5, 2015 Kool
Hi Martin,
If you only want to right-align the content of the data cell, please add the following CSS rule to the style file or in-page style:
.kptDataCell {
  text-align: right;

Hope this helps!
Posted Oct 7, 2015 , edited Oct 7, 2015 Kool
Hi David,
OK. That helps when you have one Pivot table on a single page. So the alignment is not supported on the 'template' level. There is no pattern like '{n:right}'; which you could use in the FormatString property. We have to deal with Stylesheets. Is it the right understanding? What other patterns, other than '{n}', are supported in the PivotField::FormatString property?
Best Regards,
Posted Oct 7, 2015 Kool
Hi Martin,
"{n}" is the only place holder to be replaced in the FormatString property. Regarding your request, in the next release of KoolPivotTable middle this month we would add some feature to allow you to customize the template of the data cells.
Posted Oct 7, 2015 Kool
Thank you, David. If you implement right-aligning of data fields on the pattern level then oyu may also consider aligning the column names in the Header accordingly.
Best Regards,
Posted Oct 7, 2015 , edited Oct 7, 2015 Kool
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