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Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function PivotPrevNextAndNumericPager() line 18

Hi Guys,
I have just purchased this tool and having a few issues. I tried plugging in my own data and received the following error. I tried backing out all my own data and still get the same results. I have confirmed my connection to the db and that the query returns results. The line failing is $pivot->Pager = PivotPrevNextAndNumericPager();. Any suggestions on what to try? Thank you!
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function PivotPrevNextAndNumericPager() in...... line 18
//Step 1: Register control
require "KoolPHPSuite/KoolControls/KoolPivotTable/koolpivottable.php";
//Step 2: Create database connection
$dbcon = mysqli_connect("localhost","xx","xx");
//Step 3: Create datasource
$ds = new MySQLPivotDataSource($dbcon);
$ds->SelectCommand = "select customerNumber,checkNumber,amount from payments";
//Step 4: Assing property to pivot table object
$pivot = new KoolPivotTable("pivot");
$pivot->scriptFolder = "KoolControls/KoolPivotTable";
$pivot->DataSource = $ds;
$pivot->Pager = PivotPrevNextAndNumericPager();
$pivot->AllowCaching = true;
$field = new PivotSumField("amount");
$field = new PivotField("checkNumber");
$field = new PivotField("customerNumber");
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
<!-- Step 5: Render -->
<?php echo $pivot->Render(); ?>
</html><option value="default""style_select"]=="default""selected""office2007""style_select"]=="office2007""selected""padding-top:10px;""margin-top:10px;""color:#B8305E;" target="_blank" href=""
Posted Jun 19, 2019 Kool -