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Enable Export Buttons.

Carlos Eduardo
Good day.
How can I enable export buttons in the source code below?
	 * This file is ready to run as standalone example. However, please do:
	 * 1. Add tags <html><head><body> to make a complete page
	 * 2. Change relative path in $KoolControlFolder variable to correctly point to KoolControls folder 
	$KoolControlsFolder = "KoolControls";//Relative path to "KoolPHPSuite/KoolControls" folder
	require $KoolControlsFolder."/KoolAjax/koolajax.php";
	$koolajax->scriptFolder = $KoolControlsFolder."/KoolAjax";
	require $KoolControlsFolder."/KoolPivotTable/koolpivottable.php";
	$dbhost   = "win-oloebbm0t2n\intelliti";   #Nome do host
    $db       = "IOCP";   #Nome do banco de dados
    $user     = "sa"; #Nome do usuário
    $password = "INTELLITI";   #Senha do usuário
// Dados da tabela
   $tabela = "nometabela";    #Nome da tabela
   $campo1 = "campo1tabela";  #Nome do campo da tabela
   $campo2 = "campo2tabela";  #Nome de outro campo da tabela
  $conninfo = array("Database" => $db, "UID" => $user, "PWD" => $password);
  $db_con = sqlsrv_connect($dbhost, $conninfo); 
  if( $db_con ) {
     echo "Connection established.<br />";
     echo "Connection could not be established.<br />";
     die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));*/
	/*$dbcon = sqlsvr_connect('win-oloebbm0t2n\intelliti', array( 'Database'=>'IOCP', 'UID'=>'sa', 'PWD'=>'INTELLITI'));*/
//Getting MSSQL Database Credential from database.
	$myServer = "win-oloebbm0t2n\intelliti";
	$myUser = 'sa';
	$myPass = 'INTELLITI';
	$myDB = 'IOCP';
	//connection to the database
	$connectionOptions = array("Database"=>$myDB,"UID"=>$myUser, "PWD"=>$myPass);
                                    //Creating Connection Object.
                                    $db_con = sqlsrv_connect( $myServer, $connectionOptions);
                                    //Checking Connectioin Object Status
                                    if( $db_con === false ) die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors() ) );
																		else echo $db_con;
	$ds = new SQLSRVPivotDataSource($db_con);
	//$ds = new SQLSVRPivotDataSource($dbcon);//This $db_con link has been created inside KoolPHPSuite/Resources/runexample.php
	//$ds	->select("CANAL, NEM01, NEM02, NEM03 , PRECO_VENDA, PRECO_CUSTO")
	$ds->select("CANAL, NEM01, NEM02, NEM03, PRECO_VENDA, PRECO_CUSTO")
	$pivot = new KoolPivotTable("pivot");
	$pivot->scriptFolder = $KoolControlsFolder."/KoolPivotTable";
	$pivot->styleFolder = "Office2007";
	$pivot->DataSource = $ds;
	//Turn on ajax features.
	$pivot->AjaxEnabled = true;
	//Set the Width of pivot and use horizontal scrolling
	$pivot->Width = "1400px";
	$pivot->HorizontalScrolling = true;
	//Set the Height of pivot and use Vertical Scrolling
	$pivot->Height = "700px";
	$pivot->VerticalScrolling = true;
	//Allow filtering
	$pivot->AllowFiltering = true;
	//Allow sorting
	$pivot->AllowSorting = true;
	//Allow reordering
	$pivot->AllowReorder = true;
	//Make the RowHeader wider.
	$pivot->Appearance->RowHeaderMinWidth = "250px";
	//Use the Prev and Next Numneric Pager
	$pivot->Pager = new PivotPrevNextAndNumericPager();
	$pivot->Pager->PageSize = 20;
	//Turn on caching to help pivot working faster.
	$pivot->AllowCaching = true;
	$pivot->CssClasses = array(
	  'data cell' => 'text-right',
	//  'field' => 'rtl',
	//  'column header' => 'text-right',
	//  'row header' => 'rtl',
	//  'filter panel' => 'rtl'
	//Data Field
	$field = new PivotSumField("PRECO_VENDA");
	$field->DecimalNumber = 2;
	$field->Text = "Preço de Venda (Soma)";
	//$field->FormatString = "\${n}";
	$field->FormatString = "R$ {n}"; //For example
	$field->DecimalPoint = ",";
    $field->ThousandSeperate = ".";
	$field->AllowReorder = false;
	$field = new PivotAverageField("PRECO_VENDA");
	$field->DecimalNumber = 2;
	$field->Text = "Preço de Venda - Medio";
	$field->FormatString = "R$ {n}"; //For example
	$field->DecimalPoint = ",";
    $field->ThousandSeperate = ".";
	$field->AllowReorder = false;
	$field = new PivotSumField("PRECO_CUSTO");
	$field->DecimalNumber = 2;
	$field->Text = "Preço de Custo (Soma)";
	$field->FormatString = "R$ {n}"; //For example
	$field->DecimalPoint = ",";
    $field->ThousandSeperate = ".";
	$field->AllowReorder = false;
	$field = new PivotAverageField("PRECO_CUSTO");
	$field->DecimalNumber = 2;
	$field->Text = "Preço de Custo - Medio";
	$field->FormatString = "R$ {n}"; //For example
	$field->DecimalPoint = ",";
    $field->ThousandSeperate = ".";
	$field->AllowReorder = false;
	//Row Fields
	$field = new PivotField("CANAL");
	$field->Text = "Canal de Vendas";
	//Column Fields
	$field = new PivotField("NEM01");
	$field->Text = "Hierarquia Nível 01";
	$field = new PivotField("NEM02");
	$field->Text = "Hierarquia Nível 02";
	$field = new PivotField("NEM03");
	$field->Text = "Hierarquia Nível 03";
	//Process the pivot
     <title>Intelliti Analytics for Retail</title>
   <img src="intelliti mini t.png"  vspace="10px" hspace="15px" border="0px" align="top"/>
  <font color="#23238E" size="5px"><right>IOCP - Indicadores Médios dos Nós da Estrutura Mercadológica</font></right>
    <form id="form1" method="post">
      <?php echo $koolajax->Render(); ?>
      <?php  echo $pivot->Render();?>
Posted Feb 11, 2017 Kool
We have full example of exporting Pivot Table to PDF and other here:
Please let us know if you need further assistance.
Posted Feb 12, 2017 Kool
Carlos Eduardo
Your example work fine. Tks !
Posted Feb 14, 2017 Kool