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How to make a customColumn editable like a regular data-bound column

Ron Grayson
Trying to understand how to make a customColumn editable, just like a regular bound cell is.
This ALMOST works:
$column = new GridCustomColumn();
$column->DataField = "email";
$column->HeaderText = "Email";
$column->EditItemTemplate="<input type='text' style='width:100%' value='{email}'>";
$column->ItemTemplate = "<a href='mailto:{email}'>{email}".$column->GetUniqueID()."</a>";
It produces an editable input, but lacking the proper unique ID and name for the input field, it doesn't save.
A normal bound column creates an input that looks like this, with row and column references:
<input id="grid_mt_r0_grid_mt_c5_input" class="kgrEnNoPo" type="text" style="width:100%" value="yaritza" name="grid_mt_r0_grid_mt_c5_input">
If I could create something like this with my editItemTemplate, would it work?
Alternatively, is there a way to render a bound column differently (ie: give it an itemTemplate) ?
Posted Aug 1, 2016 Kool
you my want to extend the class GridColumn and override the editRender method. mybe.
Posted Nov 29, 2016 Kool