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Real time graph

How can I have a graph series being updated in real time using AJAX ?
Although I have no any answer until now I am suspecting that the code below is related to the behaviour I am trying to make
<?php echo KoolScripting::Start();?>
			<updatepanel id="chart_panel">
						echo $chart->Render();					
				<loading image="<?php echo $KoolControlsFolder;?>/KoolAjax/loading/5.gif"/>
		<?php echo KoolScripting::End();?>

I have never used KoolScripting nor updatepanel and content tags. Can somebody tell me how it works ? I have already seen the Chart example on the Demo area.
Are theese tags present on the html document ? How the browser deal with them ?
Posted Jul 26, 2016 , edited Nov 28, 2016 Kool -